We also read Alligator Baby. The boys asked me to read it several times and giggled through the entire book. I think they would recommend it to all of their friends.
Gabriel attended a birthday party for a classmate on Sunday. All went well until it was cake time. He didn't want juice and the parent was fine with giving him water. When the mother tried to give him cake, he had a complete meltdown and said that he hated birthday parties. The mom didn't give him any cake and left him sitting there with just water. While this would work with many children, this action further upset him. Ahhhh - the joys of autism. We have absolutely no idea what started the problem - was there blue on the cake? He no longer likes the color blue after two years of obsessing over everything blue. Was the cake the wrong size? He likes things BIG. Daddy got a piece of cake for him and all was somewhat better.
We have always opened gifts after our friends have left. I recently read an article that said that it is better etiquette to wait - who wants to sit and watch a kid open gifts any way?! It's boring. Other kids get jealous and most kids do not know how to react if they receive a gift they do not want or already have at home. Also, it causes awkwardness about who purchased which gift. These parents chose to open gifts in front of the kids. Gabriel flipped out. I'm sure the cake incident made everything much worse for him. Sigh.
Gabriel is home from school today. He threw up in the middle of the night. Maybe that is what caused the problem yesterday? The many questions that run through my mind while parenting Gabriel.
This morning we did Lego painting. The boys created some really neat artwork with legos.
This is Day 2 of our GFCF lifestyle. So far, so good and my attitude remains positive. I made rice pudding with our leftover rice last night. Lane decided that she could eat it from a spoon! This is a HUGE accomplishment for her.
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