Thursday, December 25, 2014

Heart dissection

We haven't been to a pediatric cardiologist in two years. It was the longest time span since Gabriel was 18 months old. At one point we went every six weeks so this was a nice break. I wasn't anxious about this appointment because Gabriel last had an echo in the hospital in August to check for any side effects from the medication.
As Gabriel gets closer to puberty and the growth spurt of adolescence, the scare of his need for a new valve becomes a greater reality. As the valve grows, the leakage and stenosis Such is the joy of congenital heart defects. I used to belong to a CHD support group but as autism and chiari became a more immediate concern, Gabriel's bicuspid aortic valve became less concerning. Until I have to remember to mention it for surgery or when the doctor orders tests in the hospital to check his heart to make sure his heart is holding up. Then everything heart related rushes to the forefront again. Oh yeah, I AM a CHD mom too.
We went to a new pediatric cardiologist in an effort to have all of Gabriel's specialist in one building. Gabriel had an EKG and an echo done. The leakage is still minor and nothing else has changed.
Thankfully the entire family attended the appointment because it was important to Gabriel to have Alex go through the same tests he completed. It eased Gabriel's anxiety to have some control throughout the appointment. Overall, the kids did a great job. 

While we waited to talk to the doctor, the kids dissected a large plastic heart. We talked about valves and blood and oxygen flow. The past year has been one full of learning about the brain and different sections of it so the kids were very interested in the heart.
An interesting note -- a few years ago, a cardiologist at Mayo told Andrew that all extended family members should have an echo done to find where the heart defect was coming from in the family line. Our new pediatric cardiologist made the same comment and said that someone in the family has it. We've told all of our siblings and parents but few have gotten tested. I guess we may never know which side of the family holds the CHD mystery.

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