Monday, October 8, 2012

Alex the 6 year old

I failed to blog about Alex turning 6 years old on August 9th. Maybe I'm in denial that my baby boy is already six years old or maybe I'm just really busy with three young children. So here we are in October and I have a 6 year old version of Alex in our home.
Alex chose to go to Sea World for his birthday celebration. Then we went to the TRex restaurant in downtown Disney for dinner.
It was a wonderful way to celebrate his birthday as a family. We also had an ice cream cake on his actual birthday.
Alex is in first grade and he's doing well. He claims to hate school but he's happy when I pick him up at the end of the day. He is especially interested in math and answers math problems when he waits in line before school starts.
Alex's reading ability and fluency are increasing this year. He recently filled out a paper about his wish. Alex answered my wish is... To have two mommies. He turned the assignment in a couple weeks ago but I haven't gotten it back yet. I'm curious about what Alex's teacher thought about his answer.
Last week Alex colored a picture when he got home from school. He added the words, "I can do it too." Alex told me that he was the illustrator and explained why.
For a few weeks, Alex chewed on his shirt. His shirt was soaked with saliva. I had to take a photo because it was unbelievable how wet his shirt got. I ignored the behavior and thankfully it disappeared.
The other day he told his granny that he knows some bad words. Alex whispered "stupid" and "pain in the ass" in her ear. Yikes! Apparently we are at the stage of testing boundaries with naughty words. Stringing a ton of naughty words together and then asking what would happen if he says the word is a way to avoid discipline but still say those fascinating words.
I'm sure it will be another year full of excitement with Alex. Life has never been dull since his arrival. He is comical, musical, stubborn, and bright. He is a good runner and swimmer.
I look forward to hearing what his next wish is since two mommies isn't a real option.

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