Friday, October 19, 2012

Pumpkin and Fall Tree Painting

I don't pull the paint out enough any more. The kids all still love it but I forget about it. I don't think kids paint much in school any more either so I need to remember to offer painting opportunities to the kids. The kids and I discussed the differences between holidays, seasons, and months. There was a little confusion about these different things which resulted from a song they heard. In a way to add fun to our conversation, I took out the paint and completed two painting projects with the kids.
First we made fall trees by cork painting the leaves on a long brown trunk. Their paintings turned out pretty darn cute and they really liked it. I think it was good matching and fine motor control for them as well.
We also painted cheap paper plates orange in order to make pumpkins. The kids cut brown stems and added them. The boys added the life cycle of pumpkins to their plate. I got the printable from this site: I think it was too easy for the boys but it was a cute project. Lane learned about the letter "Pp" through this same project.


  1. What a good mom you are! I pinned using the wine corks too. Happy Fall!

  2. Oh how cute! Painting is fun---bet they had a blast!


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