Monday, October 8, 2012

Judge's words of wisdom

I've been married to the same man for over 16 years. We've lived together for over 20 years. I have never been divorced and can't imagine the pain and hurt associated with the finality of divorce. For many people, it's the end of dreams with someone and your world has to seem shattered. When a divorce involves children, it can be especially complicated.
I have witnessed many unhealthy and wicked divorces involving children recently. Somehow I hope those individuals see this and take it to heart. You are selfish and controlling when you talk poorly about your ex in front of your children. You are slowly killing your children. Children have little control and power in their world and you are further destroying what they know when you speak poorly about your ex. Leave your comments for your adult friends and family. Leave your children out of it or know that you are destroying them.
I know it can't be easy. There are many days when Andrew and I annoy each other and we make mistakes too. I have said things in front of my children that aren't meant for their ears but I'm learning that silence really is golden in situations. Please take the judge's comments to heart and start healing yourself and your children. The rest of us don't want to watch your children destroyed by your selfishness.

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