Friday, November 16, 2012

Me: the sister

Me I'm a mother. I'm a wife. I'm a friend. I'm a daughter. I'm a granddaughter. I'm an aunt. I'm a niece. I'm a student. I'm a coworker. I'm a daughter-in-law. I'm a sister.

I have a sister. I'm 6 1/2 years older than my sister and I have so many wonderful memories of us growing up together.
She was a bright child. Since I loved teaching, I taught her to read at a young age. She ate up all of the work that I gave her.
I have countless photos of us together when we were children. We did a lot together. We attended church, vacations, and all family functions together. I have a favorite photo from when my parents drove us an hour from our home and took photos of my siblings and I to a place called the Red Mill. We all look so carefree. In reality, we were probably grumpy children that day. I know what it's like to have three children now.
Some nights I would find refuge in her bed, by crawling in next to her when I was frightened. I don't know if she even woke up during those nights. I helped her get dressed in cute outfits and worked on her hair when she was in second grade. It was great fun to play dress up with my little sister. I walked to a large park near our childhood home with her and we explored the woods together. Our little brother tagged along, being the agreeable soul that he has always been.
Every year when I get a new paper calendar, one of the first birthdays I write in is her birthday. I could never forget it. She was my first little sister. I think I had a tough time sharing the spotlight. I was my parents world those first years and now I had to share their love and affection with a new little person who was much newer and cuter than I was at my age.

Unfortunately, when I moved away to college, she was only 12 years old. Our paths didn't cross much after that because I was an adult and soon moved in with my now husband. As much as I adored her and complimented her intellect to other people, a sister so much younger and 5 hours away, didn't have much in common with me, the adult working 60 hours a week at times and attending college full time. I picked up little items for her and her family when I was at a store. I enjoyed sending things to her and hope she appreciated those little tokens of appreciation. Today it is my wish that the adult sisters will find each other and reconnect.

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