Monday, June 2, 2014

41... How Can That Be?

How can I be 41 years old? I'm pretty sure I just graduated from high school ten years ago. That would make me closer to 28 years old. I definitely feel closer to 30 than 41.
We had a quiet family day to accommodate everyone. We went to the outlet mall and I found some new summer clothes. Gabriel saw the trolley going around the outlet mall and insisted on riding it with Andrew. As they rode the trolley around the parking lot, Lane and Alex helped me pick out shirts. Lane's taste is more flashy than mine and it should be since we're 36 years apart in age. I purchased her picks and I actually like them. She has good taste already at the young age of four.
We had lunch at one of our favorite restaurants on the beach. Gabriel had a rough transition and threw silverware at the next table. I apologized to everyone around us, ordered a mojito, and I kid you not, I was complimented for my patience in the situation. The waitress even high-fived me. I thought that deserve a beer as well.
We ventured out to the beach where we made me friends with a mom with two young children. The five kids threw little balls at an exposed concrete pipe. It was a gorgeous day at the beach. The salty breeze was almost chilly for a day in the middle of May. 

Okay, forties, I'm ready to conquer you. Now that I'm into the 40's, it's time for more personal growth and commitment to myself. I've lost that while taking care of everyone else for the past ten years. I love my job as a mom but I need to be healthy in order to continue doing my demanding yet beautiful job.

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