Wednesday, May 27, 2015

New Era...

Certain people have decided that they don't want to be apart of my children's lives. It's not okay but it's their choice. They make no effort to contact the kids. No effort to see them. No effort to show that they give a damn about surgeries and cancer scares.
So we are in a new era. We are surrounding ourselves with people who want to be with the kids. Non-biological aunts and uncles and a grandma and grandpa thrown in (but hopefully we will be in WI soon to see their biological grandparents).
It isn't about stuff - it's about being present. Making time and showing that you care for these tender-hearted, sweet beings. My job is to protect their hearts and I will do it until I can no longer.
So material things are being thrown out. They no longer ask about you. You are no longer there and anything that would make me explain that to them in a way they can understand is going in the trash. I am not doing it to be malicious, but rather, to protect them.
They will be raised without the knowledge that you just don't care. They don't need to know that you don't value them enough to take time for them. They will be raised to know they are loved beyond measure, that autism is not too much for us. That we won't abandon them for poor choices, or for harsh words, or the truth. We will stand by them and love them, and they won't get thrown in a group home because the responsibility is too great.
You are missing out and while you live in a fantasy that your world is perfect and fine, you know deep down that your choices are wrong. It's all your problem. You are missing out. It's your lies and deceit and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn any more.

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