Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bobby Pin Holder

I haven't posted about projects or organizational things I've done lately. I've done a few but to be honest, I have been getting caught up from the holidays and working on getting things in place for summer break. I have a couple months but I want to be organized and ready for a fun yet educational summer for the children. If I'm not organized, nothing will get accomplished.
My list is getting checked off slowly. It feels good to get thank you cards mailed from the holidays. This is late for me! I don't know what happened but I'm back on track!
I saw a tic tac bobby holder idea on Pinterest. How easy yet "green" and an organizational idea too. All the things I love in one little container. Gabriel was more than happy to eat a bunch of tic tacs so I could put bobby pins in the container.
So I took the bobby pins off the paper and threw them in the container - wha la! Easy Peasy as Alex tells us. On to more Pinterest ideas...

1 comment:

  1. Love little ideas like that...I need to get one by my bedside.


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