Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Read to your child's class

Lane attends preschool Thursday and Friday mornings. She LOVES it. In fact, she yells at me the other three week days because she is at home with me. Quite a different reaction from the boys who have never really warmed up to the idea of school. I'm glad but somewhat sad that she has grown up so quickly.
Thursday mornings I go to the school and volunteer in Alex's classroom. He isn't testing well. In fact, the school didn't think he knew his colors or shapes because he won't tell his teacher. He's known those things since he was 2 years old. ~sigh~ So I'm there to see if I can help in the room and with Alex. It's good to see how Alex behaves in the class room, and perhaps even an eye opener.
I also go to his room with all three children one evening after school. We are hoping to figure out why he isn't testing well.
No answers yet but we're working on it. Thank goodness for wonderful teachers who care about their student's success. I am grateful for his teacher this year.
I went to the school on Monday but when I got to the room, the teacher told me that she had to go to Urgent Care right after school so we weren't able to meet to help Alex. Instead, she pulled me into the room to read to the students since I was there any way.

I don't know why but I have always been intimated by reading to a class. I have never volunteered to read to a class. I didn't mind reading to my class as a Pre-K teacher but I think having the professional teacher there makes it scarier.
When I didn't have a chance to think about it, I didn't have time to get anxious. I sat down and read a short book to the class. It wasn't bad. In fact, it was downright enjoyable to have 17 little faces watching me read. I didn't have the responsibility of the class, just the fun.
Take a few minutes and volunteer in your child's room. I guarantee, you'll love it too.

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