Wednesday, March 7, 2012

*drunk failure*

I told Andrew that I decided to be a drunk. I can cope more easily with everything if I have a glass of wine. He said that was fine though the side effects to my liver would be disappointing. So I drank a glass of wine and another... it turned into a bottle and a half of wine. I was relaxed and felt great. I think I'm really funny when I've had alcohol. I even think I can dance!
Until the next morning when I had to get up with three young children. I had to get them dressed and to school. I wanted to curl up in bed, not deal with three active children. Their behavior was no more tolerable with a bad headache. My head screamed at me with each step and I was positive I was going to yak in front of the teachers at the school.
So I'm a drunk failure. I don't know how someone can be a functional drunk. How the heck do you function the next day with that kind of cotton mouth and headache?
It was a terrible idea and I was a failure. I suggest you don't even try it. I'm saving you the pain. I'll continue my journey sober. Well, except for the occasional glass of wine (or two)...


  1. hahaha, is that the picture from when we went to the Wine Show?!? LOL.

  2. It is! So much fun! I think we should go back this year!


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