Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week 2012

All three children are currently attending school so Teacher Appreciation Week is especially important to us. We are incredibly grateful for everything teachers do to help and educate our children. It's no small task to be a teacher and I wanted to show our appreciation this week. I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I have been pinning ideas on Pinterest for months. I contacted the room parents and one parents was doing themes each day to celebrate. For simplicity sake, I decided to follow her themes for all three children's teachers. This year I had 8 teachers to prepare for: 2 for Lane, 2 for Alex, and 4 for Gabriel. Lane attends school two mornings a week so I didn't have to make as many gifts as I will in the future. Day one: Spa Day
I made "Thanks for Bee-lieving in Me" gift packs with two Burts Bees products in the bag. I got the idea and printable tag from http://detailorienteddiva.blogspot.com/2012/04/thanks-for-bee-lieving-in-me.html . Day two: Candle Day One teacher liked Air Wick and the other liked Yankee Candle so I bought both and made these
I got the printable from this site: It says, "a good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others." Day three: snack day I found a cute idea that states "I'm glad you are mint to be my teacher." on this site http://www.beneathmyheart.net/2010/05/inexpensive-yet-meaningful-teacher-gift/ Here is my version:
I picked up the thank you ribbon a while ago and I was really happy to use it on this little gift. I put gum and mints in the bag. Day four: art and note day Lane made pictures for her teachers but then she played with them, rolling them into balls. I think she will need to make new pictures. She is an intent, hard worker so I don't think this will be a problem for her. The boys will draw pictures and write notes to their teachers. I printed free note cards from dltk-kids.com
Day five: gift card day The easiest day! The gift cards are purchased and ready for delivery. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

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