Saturday, May 26, 2012

Naked in unknown places

Gabriel was given this Mario hat by our friends a few weeks ago. He LOVES it. Isn't it perfect for him? We have been searching for a new home and need to relocate by August 1 at the latest. We have driven around with the kids a few times in order to become more familiar with other neighborhoods. This past year we've spent most of our time in the "bubble" of Celebration or at Disney so Osceola Co. is still a mystery to us. We have found some beautiful developments and neat pockets of possible places to live. Our want list is long and I'm unsure if we'll be able to find something that fits the bill entirely. I think we are more picky than we used to be simply because we need a good school and need more space than we have in the past. We met with a lovely family who showed us their home. It is a tad smaller than we want, had one less half bath than we are accostumed to, and doesn't have a private pool but there is a community pool. Otherwise, it has everything else we want in a home. The best part? Gabriel stipped naked, ran out of the bathroom, and the family wasn't phased in the least bit. In fact they laughed! It was terribly embarrassing and awkward for us but they didn't care at all. Gabriel had to be escorted to the van because he couldn't let go of the shower idea. We aren't sure what to do in the future. I'm sure Gabriel will continue to want to take a shower. We could split up, leaving the kids at home with one parent while the other views the possible home. It might be the solution except neither of us wants the entire decision resting on our shoulders. I figure that if the person can't deal with Gabriel's behavior and quirks, we don't need to move into their home. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise!

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