Thursday, May 10, 2012

Playgroup Pinata

I told myself and other people that when I moved I would not organize a playgroup. I've been there, done that, and it's now my turn to sit back and RSVP to events I want to attend. I'm barely treading the waters of daily life as it is, I shouldn't take on another responsibility. And ... well... I was also drowning in lack of adult contact during the day. My depression was creeping up and my life felt overwhelming. So why not offer to help create events and add to that ongoing to do list?! That is what I did. I asked to help organize the playgroup I joined because I've met several wonderful mothers and beautiful children. No one was stepping up to add interesting events to the calendar so I couldn't look away from the moms I've met when I knew I could add some fun to our lives. Or at least make our lives more interesting with playdates together. I tend to forget that Lane is only two years old and still needs that kind of activity with me. I feel like she's older because she's an easy going, rather mature two year old. We have lengthy discussions and hang out just enjoying one another's company. However, I need to do more two year old activities with her. I removed the cobwebs from my activity list, got my creative juices flowing, and set to work. I am really glad I did it. I had one of my first themed playdates at the park this week. I am a theme addict. I could post a plain park playdate but themes are more fun. We had Cinco de Mayo in the park! I kept it simple with a taco bar. Everyone brought something to contribute and we ate tacos and the kids played in the park. Mmmmmm tacos! One of the moms brought a pinata too!! Oh the joy on the kids faces!
The kids ranged from 14 months to almost 4 and they were thrilled to be given permission and the opportunity to whack the crap out of the pinata. It was adorable. They did not do the job, however, and a mom had to open it and shake the candy out. Oh.. CANDY! They didn't know candy was coming out it too! They were just happy to whack it!

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