Friday, August 9, 2013

Little Man Turns 7

I think I missed a couple years because it doesn't seem possible that Alexander was born seven years ago. How can that be possible? It was seven years ago today that the doctor came in the hospital room and told me that he was going to take me out of my misery. It was time for a Csection 
I knew our baby would be fine at 36 weeks but he was still considered premature.  I was concerned that he would be rushed to the NICU and the staff was prepared for that scenario. He surprised everyone with few complications and my doctor declared him the healthiest preemie ever.  The dr also told me that my pregnancy was one for the ages and I would never experience that again. He was only slightly correct on that one - the following pregnancy was worse. 
Here we are seven years later and he is an incredible child. He excels at math and loves games, especially chess. Alex loves jokes and to make people laugh.  He loves to dance, ride his scooter, and play at the park.  He is full of energy and life.  He is also stubborn and capable of arguing that water can't freeze. 
Lane made a special gift for Alex. I didn't give any suggestions, she pulled out everything on her own.  She put a drawing in an envelope and sealed it with a sticker.  Then she pulled out the foil because she didn't have wrapping paper.   She wrapped the envelope and asked me to tie ribbon around it. 
Later Lane asked where she could hide her gift.  Today she walked to my closer and proudly gave her creation to Alex.  She also had "toys she doesn't play with"  and candy from the closet in a box for him. I thought I was going to melt with pride when I saw her generosity. 
I quickly explained to Alex that he needed to be kind to his sister because she worked so hard for him. He quietly asked "but what do I do if I don't like it."   "Fake it" I replied. 
I was just as proud of Alex.  He made a huge ordeal out of his surprise from Lane and made her feel very special. It was a heartwarming moment between two if my children. 
I don't like how quickly my children are growing but I enjoy these interactions between my kids.  These moments could only come from their growth and development. 
Watch out world - there's a lot more coming for you.  Here he is - the seven year old version of Alexander! 

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