Saturday, August 17, 2013

We Need Gay Friends

On the way to the airport, Lane, age 4, said, "Mommy, boys and girls get married." To which I automatically replied, "In some states, girls can marry girls and boys can marry boys too."
She was silent a few minutes.
Then she asked, "why would girl marry girls and boys marry boys?" I said people marry who they love. She was perplexed and said, "but then they can't make a baby." I explained that is true but couples can adopt and there are other ways to have babies what we'll talk about that when she's older.
That's when I realized we are surrounded by mom/dad/kid families. There are step children and adopted children but we don't have any gay friends who we hang out with regularly. I guess we really are in a "bubble".
Our experiences in Iowa held much more diversity and culture than we have now, except when we go to Disney. It is rather surprising to think that we lived in the middle of the United States, in corn field country and we attended Black History events and multi-cutlural events at the boys school. In reality, we were a minority in the school. When I attended the PTO meeting, they usually had in Spanish and had to translate for me as I sat there.
We might need to seek out families different than us. I don't want the kids to grow up thinking that our family is the only "right" family. I doubt that will happen given the way we parent but if they aren't exposed to things, it can seem wrong to children. Even if we attend gay days or a gay pride parade, they can be exposed to different family structures.
Any gay couples want to hang out with us?

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