Friday, November 22, 2013

A work meeting

I had a work meeting at a restaurant. I am not receiving a paycheck yet so I can't justify a babysitter for four year old Lane. I picked out a cute outfit for her to wear and prepared her for my meeting. 
As I fretted with my own outfit, she decided that her outfit was not appropriate for the meeting.  She insisted on changing and picked a black and white dress, something she would normally avoid. 
Later Lane disappeared to her bedroom and reappeared with a lot of cute jewelry. She told me that she looked professional.  I had to giggle when I noticed her pink slippers 

Here is a photo of my little professional.

While we sat at the meeting, Lane seemed bored with her crayons and the conversation.  I decided to teach her how to write her last name. If she can write Lane, surely she can write Mai.  Within minutes, she was able to write her entire name and I was thrilled for her. 

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