The boys have had numerous haircuts. When Lane was born, Andrew took them to get their hair cut and I was less than pleased. I think it was the insane hormones but I wasn't happy with the change. They had very short hair when they came to visit me at the hospital. Given that they were almost 3 and 5 years old, they still looked adorable. However, I allowed their hair to grow a little longer.
Alex has very think, straight hair like I do. It's tough to find a haircut that is suitable for him. If his hair is too short, then his hair sticks up all over the place, no matter what we do to it. If it is too long, he looks very young.

Ove a month ago. we took him in for a haircut and he had a huge transformation from little boy to big boy. As usual, I almost cried. Gone was the little baby face I had grown accostumed to and in its place was this emerging little man. He is only six so we have a while before we reach the age of moving away but I know it will be here in the blink of an eye. When I put the photos next to each other, it looks like another child.
Last week I took the kids to the child development center for Alex and the nurse looked at the photo in the file to see which child she would be working with and she looked at Gabriel and said, "hey Alex, let's weigh you first." This caused a lot of laughter among my children.
I looked at the photo and my Gabriel was indeed getting beyond the surfer hair look and crossing into the baby, girly hair look. About a year ago, he decided that haircuts were scary and he no longer wanted to go in for them. It has saved us money but apparently I only know one haircut and it does look like I put a bowl on their head and trimmed.
Gabriel never had problems with getting his haircut and I have to admit that it was something I was happy about - many people I know have boys with autism and they do not like to get their cut. They all have different reasons but it comes down to no one wants it done. When he first got nervous about a haircut, I honestly thought it was a silly phase and it would stop. It did not. He had a new and solid fear.
Today we went to another area of great Orlando and Gabriel told us that he wanted to go into the barber. Great!
He changed his mind as we walked to the chair. I showed the barber an autism card so he would know what he was dealing with and he thanked me. I offered to sit on the chair with him but we couldn't use the cape. I was able to entertain Gabriel with a game on my phone while the barber clipped away.

Gabriel's hair fell all over my clothing, phone, arms, everywhere. It was ITCHY and uncomfortable. It was worth the effort. Gabriel's bravery was outstanding. The barber told Andrew that I need a vacation. (he got a large tip)