Friday, April 26, 2013

Harmony it is. Really.

I love where we live. It was one of the best decisions we have made in a while. Period. When we moved here last July, I wasn't sure what I would think about it.
Harmony is just over half an hour from the east coast and 40 minutes from Disney. It's 8 miles from the nearest city. It's a nice city but it's small. If you know me, this is a big difference from where I've lived in the past. We were much closer to city living in Washington DC, Miami, and Minneapolis. The only things here besides a school and houses are a restaurant that is open during the day and the weekends and a gas station. Even the gas station is outside of the community.
Until the past month that is all that we had near us unless we drove the 8 miles "into town". I haven't said, "drive into town" since I was in high school and lived in the country. Not that it was a bad thing, just different than what I am used to.
We had to move due to the school in our last town. We had just moved cross country a year previous and the idea of finding roots was unsettling, to say the least. Since we only moved 40 minutes away, no one said "good bye" to us when we moved. That's good, I didn't want to feel like we were moving far away but it really is pretty far for people who live here. Maybe I didn't have any deep friendships where we lived. I don't know whic it is, to be honest.
In any case, I love Harmony. At this point in our lives, it is a great place for us to live. Tonight Harmony had their ribbon cutting and grand opening for the new businesses that have opened. We now have a wine bar, a physicians office, a pizza place, a small market, a nail salon, and a sandwich/salad type restaurant.

Andrew was a part of the ribbon cutting ceremony due to his job. I was extrememly proud to hear him announced to the crowd. I know it's not a big deal but we worked hard to get to this point in our lives and I am proud of that hard work.
The ribbon cutting was a great family event. It was a luau theme with free food, wine tastings, Hawaiian dancers and singers, and more. Local teenagers were hanging out, laughing and having fun while adults meandered the town square. Mai kids played in the bounce houses and received free balloons from a balloon artist. Lane chose Rapunzel, Alex has a dog, and Gabriel wanted a "cute" human.

I am beyond grateful to have a group of friends whom I adore. I like hanging out with their families. I like laughing and sharing adventures with them. I appreciate sharing tears over the tough times.
I still dislike the drive "into town" but I suppose the price of gas and wear and tear on my vehicle is little price to pay for living here. After the last two summers of being alone with the kids, I am looking forward to time spent with friends here.

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