Friday, April 26, 2013

School Uniform Policy

Our county has a dress policy for the students K-12.
Here is the policy from our school's web site:
Uniform Policy
The Osceola School District adopted a mandatory uniform policy for all students. This includes:

- Navy blue or khaki pants, walking shorts, slacks, skirts, skorts, jumpers, or similar clothing made of twill, corduroy, or denim fabric. (A small logo is acceptable)
- White or navy blue shirts with collars such as a polo, oxford, or dress shirt (A small logo is acceptable)

- Harmony has added both Royal Blue and Burnt Orange as possible shirt choices since they reflect our official school colors.

Uniforms are easy. I wake up in the morning and pick out two shirts for the boys from their hanging polos, pick out a pair of shorts or pants and they are ready to go. Easy, peasy, lemon squeazy. I have liked the idea of uniforms since I was in sixth grade and I would have been find with wearing them.
I've heard an argument that uniforms take away from student's creativity. I haven't seen that yet. In fact, I'm told from many people that my children are extremely creative. Clearly clothing choice hasn't affected their creativity.
On certain days, the kids have dress down days. They still have certain rules to follow on these days and they usually have to pay one dollar for this priviledge. I like the dollar donation because it is given to a local charity.

On hat day, Alex wore his Grumpy hat. There is quite a bit of humor in this hat. He tends to be the grumpiest person in this house in the morning.

Today the boys had another dress down day. They could wear a college jersey, a career outfit, or be a twin. Since people used to stop us in Miami and ask if we had twins, it was an obvious choice. TWINS!

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