Saturday, September 14, 2013

Six week preschool

I'm a member of a home school group in the central Florida area. It's free so it's not a huge membership commitment. I joined when the issues with the boys at the public school began at our last school. I keep the idea in my back pocket, just in case we hit walls and can't deal with the public school system any more.
It bothers me that I have to continue to think about home schooling. I think it's fine and some people are really great at home schooling. I don't think I'm one of those people. I am fine with the idea of school. Just as a whole the system in Florida is a broken mess. There are great people who have their heart in the right place but there are butting heads with a system that doesn't have enough money, time, or the correct laws in place to help the students. Many teachers are stuck in a box and don't think creatively to help their students be successful. I don't blame the teachers, most of them any way. They have a job to do that is measured by bench marks, scores, and passing grades. The power has been taken away from them.
Whew... in any case, I remain in the home school even after the boys are back in school full time because I am home schooling Lane and I want to stay up to date on things if the days comes when I am against a wall and need to keep the boys home.
The owner of the group rents an office building type space for classes for home schooling families. It's a neat idea. One teacher started a preschool class for 3-5 year old children. The fee was nominal. I want Lane to remain used to the idea of attending courses, even if it is with me so I signed her up for the six week course. I don't want Pre-K to come as a complete shock next year, though I'm unsure if anything ever prepares a child for attending school every day. 

She LOVED it. She learned about tractors during the hour session. She sang songs, counted, ate a mud snack, colored, and counted. Lane also painted brown mud with a green tractor. I really like these types of activities and used to do them with the boys often when they were this age. When it's just Lane and I, I don't feel like I get as creative though so I fully appreciate another adult pulling the activities together.
Even though Lane loved it, I was a little disappointed. Other mothers had to bring their infants to the class. I understand completely and without their preschooler attendance, we might not have a preschool class at all. The class consists of five students and we need all of the kids there. It was also an hour drive to get to the class. I was misinformed as to the location when I signed up and it was much farther than I thought. I will continue the class through the six weeks but I don't want to continue to drive an hour for an hour class. I don't even want to figure out how much I'm spending on gas for the drive. However, she loves it and it's paid for so we might as well continue to go.

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