Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cole slaw anyone?

Prior to having a child diagnosed with autism, I didn't care about organic or homemade items. It was all fine but I rarely made anything at home. If you had told me that one day I would make cole slaw with organic vegetables from a buying coop and the farmers market I would have laughed you out of the room
I would have purchased it ready made at the store. If you were really lucky, I took it out of the container and added some pepper to the top. Or maybe salt because I didn't care about sodium intake.
Fast forward to today and you find me in the kitchen making organic cole slaw for lunches and lemon white chocolate puppy chow for the kids snacks. And it's more than edible, it's good. And it's easy to make too!
I've figured out several things that are healthier alternatives (and more economical!!) than the store bought brands. Laundry and dishwasher detergents as well as cleaners are my favorite items right now.
I've had a few failures and that's discouraging. I tried to make lavender bath fizzies for gifts and it was a nasty mess. I'll try it again though Homemade vanilla is also on my list as well as soap and soy sauce. A friend said that she made soy sauce and I look forward to tips from her
One other failure was a store bought more natural shampoo for the kids. I finally realized that my kids weren't being wimps, I bought the type that causes tears. My poor babies. Bad mommy for not listening!
If you make something at home that's typically purchased, let me know. I want the challenge. I want to live a less
chemically enhanced life

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