Sunday, August 21, 2011

Little Laney

Lane turned two almost two months ago. She has a fun, mostly easy going personality. I've been surprised by how girly she is even though she has two older brothers whom she adores.
She is a great eater now. Lane seems to have gotten past her sensory issues when eating. With lots of therapy and education she now tolerates many textures and temperatures. She still eats lemons

When we walk to the downtown area, she always asks for a new "baby". I think I created a little monster by showing her the toy store and allowing her to get a new doll. She said her first three word sentence that day - Lane want baby. How could I not give in?
Since having the tubes put in, her vocabulary has grown. She says Lane but it sounds like Yaay We think it's adorable.
Lane still likes dressing up and insists on being a firefighter



  1. It makes me cry, I just want to hug her! She looks just like you Miss Jess :) I am definitely the surrogate Auntie...I love your kiddos so much!

  2. We are lucky to have you in our lives Lynnette


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