Friday, June 29, 2012

Button Art

I've been working on letter recognition with Lane lately. She recognizes a few letters but definitely not the majority of them yet. When she doesn't know a letter, she tells me that it is "O". I think O is a favorite letter because her teacher's name is Orraca. Lane recognizes her name when it is written with other names but she doesn't point out the individual letters in her name. All of these developments and achievements have always fascinated me. Today she glued buttons on a letter "E". I saw the idea on the internet but it was for an initial bedroom decoration rather than as a preschooler's craft. Lane enjoys anything that has to do with crafts and would sit for hours painting and coloring if my day allowed it. Maybe an easel would be a good idea for our new playroom. The boys didn't use their easel much but I have a feling she would create many works of art for us with one. As it is, Lane will use paper to color, cut, and make wonderful little creations. She uses pens, markers, crayons or any medium. She isn't picky in the least bit.

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