Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm excited to go to school...

I'm excited to go to school said none of Mai boys, ever. Until this morning! It is Gabriel's 5th year of school (Alex's third) and this morning very clearly and with a gorgeous huge smile, he said, "I like school. I'm excited to go!" I wanted to hear it again and again. It was music to my ears after years of battling the I Hate School moments. Some mornings were a true battle where we had to dress him, stuggle to get his coat and shoes on,carry him to the car, and carry him into the school. Some days we had to put him in the car without shoes or a coat on because he flat out refused and threw an enormous fit. He dispised school. By the time we got him to school, I was exhausted. It takes a lot of work to get a child to school who DOES NOT want to go. I walk Gabriel to his room every morning to help with his transition. He needs that extra time to transition and it's perfect to do it when there aren't any other students in the room. Gabriel tends to wander and gets overwhelmed when there are many people around him. Our new school has no problem with me taking him into the room because it makes everyone's day better. I told his teacher what transpired this morning and she cried tears of joy! She truly knows her students and what a big accomplishment this was for Gabriel. For us it is these small moments that mean the world. Her husband was in the classroom and even he was happy for this new development.

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