Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Memories of family

A relationship with ones parents can be a challenging one. My parents and I don't have the same religious views nor the same political views. Avoiding two controversial topics can be an obstacle for all of us. We've had a rocky road where we've said things to each other that aren't kind. We've done things to each other that neither side is proud of but we've worked at our relationship. We've worked hard and it's been worth the time and effort. My mom isn't working right now and we talk every day. I'm lying, most days it's several times a day. There aren't many other people in the world who want to hear about every little detail of my children's lives and I am thrilled that I can share it with her. Many of my friends have lost their father, mother, or both parents already and I am beyond grateful that I am able to continue to work on my relationship with my parents before it's too late. At this point, I won't have regrets for lost time. I wish we lived closer but Andrew's job is in Florida and my parents are in WI. We have to stay where Andrew can earn a decent living and we like Florida. Maybe I can convince my parents to come to Florida.
Here they are at Lambeau watching the Pack. How cute are they?!My parents did a lot of things right when they raised me, my sister, and my brother. We were given a strong religious foundation that placed emphasis on the value of family. I had two cute siblings who were constant companions for me and we did many things together as a family. We worked and played together. We traveled to Texas to spend time with my great grandpa and gram. It was during this trip that I crossed the international line for the first time. We went to cabins and did tent camping in the summer. We fished and canoed. We swam. And we did it together. I have an appreciation for nature and animals that I might not have without those experiences. It was a traditional family in that my mom did most of the inside cooking and cleaning while my dad fixed things and provided financially for our family.
I had awesome birthday parties including a sleep over with my girl cousins and the girls in my class. I don't know if I want to do the same thing for my daughter when she is in elementary school. My parents were very daring to take on a house full of preadolescent girls.
We spent holidays and birthdays with my grandparents and extended family. I have so many wonderful memories with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Only one grandmother is still living and I dearly miss those who have passed away. I wish they could see my children and tell me what they think about them. I was taught to appreciate what I earned through hardwork. I was taught to take care of my things. I was taught manners. I was taught to love and best of all, to forgive. I didn't have the perfect childhood. I wasn't spoiled with items but I was given attention, love, and everything I needed. I always had a roof over my head, food on the table, and someone to wipe away my tears. I know I am not the perfect parent and I hope one day my children will realize that I'm doing the best I can every day. I am working to raise them with the same values I was raised with to make them responsible adults.

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