Friday, February 15, 2013

"Cc" caterpillar

Lane was working on the sound of C. I looked for ideas to make something fun with her. She liked a paper caterpiller I found so we put it together. I found a C template, printed it on construction paper. I cut out the circles because she isn't confident in her cutting skills yet. She glued away and added eyes and antannae. Another easy craft that involved fine motor skills and letter/sound recognition.

I also saw a bubble gum math idea on Pinterest. Unfortunately, the link doesn't go to the correct person so I can't credit the creator. I found a bubble gum printable and wrote numbers 1-10 on each one. Lane used a pencil eraser dipped in ink to create gum balls for each gum ball machine. She is very good at one-to-one coorespondence. I recommend this project for fine motor and math work.

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