Friday, January 27, 2012

On the go at SEA WORLD

We pooled the money given so generously to us for the holidays and purchased Sea World tickets for our family. At the time, there was a special and if we purchased tickets for the day, we received annual tickets. We are able to go for the rest of the year without paying another dime. We are grateful and realize we are incredibly lucky to expose our children to these experiences.
We haven't been to Sea World since we lived here in 2005. We had annual passes when Gabriel was a baby and spent many Sundays walking around the park. It's a much different experience with three children. The park has also changed owners since we were last there.
We watched the dolphins swimming first. Since it was so busy, the dolphins were very curious about people. It was a very active area.
Shamu was not a favorite for Gabriel. He melted down so I only got to watch a small portion of it. Maybe next time will go better.
We were able to obtain a special accomodation card for Gabriel that helped us get into the Polar Express movie faster. Inside, Santa was still there even though it was close to New Year's. How cool is it that the boys got to thank Santa for their gifts?!! I think that was far better than asking for presents the week prior to Christmas.
He is the tallest Santa I've ever seen in my life!
The kids fed sharks, watched a special holiday light show, and ate yummy treats. We managed to spend over 9 hours at the park!
I think Alex and Gabriel liked the pearl divers the best. We couldn't get them to leave the area. It isn't particularly interesting but they liked the music and the pretty girl.

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