Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Waxy Wednesday

Gabriel got angry with Alexander and bit his head. Yes, his head. Gabriel had a biting problem when he was younger. When I learned that biting is very satifying for sensory seeking children, it all made sense. We were able to transfer his biting problem to gum or a vibrating toy elephant last year. This year, the school wouldn't use his elephant and now the biting is back. Swell. At least the bite isn't visible and only removes hair. A large chunk of hair was removed from Alex's head and got worse. It didn't seem quite right to me. The hair didn't grow back and it was about the size of three quarters. However, Alex has my thick straight hair and you can't see the bald patch very well. I called for an appointment and took him in to the doctor. The kids insisted on getting measured and the nurse was kind enough to do so. Gabriel is 50 in, Alex is 46 in, and Lane is barely 37 in. He was diagnosed with a fungal infection. That sounds so weird and gross to me. He will take medication for 4-8 weeks. I asked the doctor to check Alex's ears because he is loud and doesn't always hear me correctly. I don't know if it's a behavior issue, inattentiveness, or a hearing problem. The doctor found a huge piece of wax in his ear. I actually saw it there too but he wouldn't allow me to get it out. The doctor attempted to get it out but Alex wouldn't stay still for that little procedure. Instead, the nurse had to wash the wax out. He thought the ear wash was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. What a goofball. He also earned a one way ticket to the ENT next week. I guess we'll find out if he is hearing or not. It will be good to get all of this done before school starts so there aren't any questions about these simple things that can be checked now.

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