Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 8 Summer Education

How did it become week 8 of summer education? I've gotten off schedule with the move and the 4th of July holiday. It was nice to do summer activities and lay off the stricter schedule. I did, however, continue with Gabriel's virtual school program with the exception of last week when we didn't have internet at our new home. It's Monday again. We have most of the 150 boxes unpacked and we are somewhat organized. I have to purchase more furniture in order to make it a more organized and liveable situation but things are in their general location. We have internet and that is valuable for the way I teach the kids new things. It's much easier to find something that interests them at a moment's notice when I am able to google it. What about the library, you might ask. I like taking the kids to the library but I've learned that it's best to take them when there is a program going on. If I take them at other times, they are WILD and run all over the library, causing an embarrassing situation for me. If there are other kids already at the library for an event, it's less noticeable. Gabriel has been interested in Presidents for a while. He wants to be President and tells us what he wants to accomplish as President. I looked for a poster so Gabriel could have a visual of the Presidents. I haven't been able to go to a teachers store yet but I haven't seen a poster at other stores either. I goggled "free printable President cards" this afternoon. I found this site: I printed all 44 President flash cards. Gabriel helped me laminate them and then we created 44 cards for him. He lined them up in order to make sure we had all of them, starting with #7, Andrew Jackson. His favorite number tends to coorespond with his age. It was neat to watch his curiousity and interest in the Presidents of the United States. Alex didn't want to be left out. I found some letter games I had made previously. He hasn't seen them in a while, possibly 6 months. The games were much easier for him today and it was incredible to watch the growth in him. Here are the links to the games he played: I created the missing letter game on this site. Alex worked on the clothes pin match up. Of course, the games were far too easy for him at this point but it was good review and I like the fine motor involved in the clothes pin games.

1 comment:

  1. Jess---I mean this from the bottom of my heart, you are one fabulous Mom! <3


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