Saturday, December 8, 2012

A little maturity...

A little maturity goes a long way, in our home any way. A teacher Gabriel only sees on occassion commented on Gabriel's new maturity. I've noticed it too. Lately he is more compliant, more confident, and more responsible. He even talks about the importance of being responsible for things.
I took this photo of Gabriel last week while he worked on his homework. For the last couple years, we have had to argue with him, bribe him, beg him to work on his homework. Lately he will sit down and start working without a peep.
I know this will change at a moment's notice but right now, I'm enjoying my little second grader and his new found maturity. I have been thrilled with his new ability to help his siblings and even walk away from confrontation with them. I have to give credit to his teacher and our ESE team who work hard with us. Without them, I believe this level of maturity would not have happened.
He was a hot mess up until a couple weeks ago and I am grateful to have a team of adults who care about not only his academic progress but his social, emotional, and maturity progress as well. I think this version of Gabriel will last until we have to transition back to school in January after the holiday break. I'm not looking forward to that transition but maybe it won't be as bad as I envision.

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