Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dot Marker Learning

Dot markers, or bingo markers, are tons of fun for my kids. The best part is these markers can be purchased at the dollar store. We own a basket full of these goodies for the kids to use.

I didn't realize until recently that thre are preschool art pages available for purchase for these dot markers. I stumbled upon free activities for kids. I printed some fall art pages as a starting point.

The fall pack can be found at this web site:

The activity allowed Gabriel to practice his fine motor skills and Lane was delighted to compete a colorful picture.

I then found a dot marker letter activity. Lane enjoys art and learns easily if she is occupied working on something. Here is the site for the letter dot marker activity:

Lane woudl work on all of the letters in one sitting if I let her. She finds the activity extremely enjoyable and doesn't realize I'm working on letter recognition with her.

After she completes the letter, she works on finding the same letter several times on a sheet.

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