Thursday, March 28, 2013

Alex's 6 year appointment

Alexander turned six years old August 9th of 2012. I took him to his wellness appointment yesterday. Yes, six months past his birthday. I'm hanging my head in shame because I've become one of *those* parents.
When the children were younger, I could not believe that parents were late for wellness appointments. Before I had children, I was only late for dental and annual exams if we couldn't afford them. Surely, I wouldn't miss wellness and annual appointments for my children.
Well, I made before he was 6 years and 7 months. Sigh.. that doesn't sound any better. Okay, I've become a slacker because in physical terms he's growing and developing fine.
I do not have the lack of financial means excuse because the wellness appointment is covered completely on our insurance plan.
We arrived early for our 11 am appointment. We were thirty minutes early. It wasn't a big deal because I had a phone with games and a charger. Andrew had the other two children and we had Alex's DS with a cool math game. Thirty minutes was more than manageable.
We were called into the room a little after 12. We saw the doctor a few minutes before 12:30. Alex was frustrated with the wait and I told him that it was fine because we got to play lots of games including tic-tac-toe and hangman.
When you're bored at the doctor's office, pull out a pen and start writing on the paper on the exam table. It's kind of fun when the nurse or doctor come in because they aren't expecting writing all over the paper. Their expression is priceless.
Alex proceeded to tell the doctor that the wait was ridiculously long. Several times. I honestly wanted the ground to swallow me whole. The doctor replied by telling him, "Okay, buddy, I get your point." Eventually the doctor apologized and explained why we had to wait an hour and a half past our appointment time.
The appointment didn't last long. Alex's former umbilical hernia is now classified as a type of defect. If he gains a lot of belly weight as an adult it will cause a problem but otherwise it shouldn't be a problem for Alex. We will keep an eye on it and speak to a surgeon again if it causes him any pain in the future but it's unlikely.
Alex weighs 46 lbs and he's 46 inches tall. He is just under average for his age at this point in time.
We discussed having a "do over" year in school next year. Alex is doing fine to outstanding in all of his subjects but he is less mature than his classmates and having issues with socialization. Alex has cried to us about not wanting to go to second grade next year because "he's not ready." Alex is almost a full year behind some of his classmates and his doctor thinks it's fine if he stays in first grade another year to gain confidence and maturity. Since Alex's child development dr, pediatrician, and teacher have all made indications that it could be in his best interest, I think we will have a first grader again next year. And that is okay with me and Andrew.
As we left the appointment, Alex turned to the doctor and said, "I'm not okay with that fast appointment after that ridiculous wait."

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