Sunday, March 31, 2013

We did it! 17 years of wedded adventures.

These gorgeous roses were delivered to our home for our 17th wedding anniversary. Even though I am turning 40 years old this year, it doesn't seem possible that we have been married for 17 years. It seems really strange that it has been that long.
These red roses are gorgeous. They are full and a deep red. 17 long stem roses are an amazing site. Lane cried because Andrew didn't get her any flowers but it helped when I promised to share the flowers with her.
Andrew and I shared our first apartment in Minneapolis in 1992. Six friends rented three other one bedroom apartments in the same building. It was a lot of fun to live near friends and I have a lot of great memories from that year.
Next to our apartment lived Matt and Cori. Cori is an talented artist and we have always admired her talent and skill. When I saw a lighthouse painting for sale on her site, I had to get it for our anniversary. It reminds me of all the lighthouses we've seen together. We used to live only a few miles from a lighthouse and we've climbed that thing several times.

We weren't able to get a babysitter for our anniversary but we ended up at a nice restaurant in Vero Beach with the kids. We sat looking at the beach, watching the waves crash. The kids were wonderfully behaved and the food was excellent.
The waitress set a tray of dessert down next to Lane for the table next to us. She honestly thought the entire tray was for her. She also charmed two older couples sit near us and told them that she was full up to her hair. They each told her how full they were and someone mentioned it is too bad she isn't coming out of her shell. She has a lot of personality in such a little body.

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