Sunday, June 9, 2013

"Stick"ing to a Routine

Routine is essential in our home when something needs to be accmplished. I learned that Alex, especially, thrived on routine this past school year. I wasn't sure how I would keep a routine at home and yet allow for fun and sun this summer. The kids need to avoid regression with their school work but learning can be best done through play, so I need to keep a happy medium in our home.
I found a chart that would have worked for us. A homeschooling mother shared it free printable that was really nice. It included the child's name and each subject to complete each day. However, it would work better to help an older child organize. My little visual and hands-on learners needed something else.
I decided to write each task I wanted them to accomplish on a craft stick. I colored coded it - red for Gabriel, blue for Alex, and purple for Lane. I only gave each child six tasks to begin this routine. I included two easy ones - brush teeth and get dressed. Once they finish these six tasks in reading, writing, math, and helping us, they can pick games on the computer or DS.
If the kids complete these tasks all week, we will take them for some type of treat. They can pick a new toy or get ice cream. It will be something that we normally do not do with them.
As of tonight, they are very excited about their task sticks. We had a test run today, didn't push the academics, and the majority of sticks are in the "done" cup already.


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