Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The letter Pp

Lane continues to work on the letter Pp this week. I found a few cute ideas and incorporated them into her learning today. She made a purple P and glued pink polka dots to it. I saw the orignal idea here: http://countingcoconuts.blogspot.com/2009/12/tot-school-letter-p.html

I saw another great idea where the preschooler glued popped popcorn on to the letter P. (the Little Red Barn Preschool)However, kernels seemed like a better idea to me. I don't like the kids to use food in artwork that will attract bugs. I have a big enough problem keeping the dogs away from any food that is left out of the pantry. They have eaten countless art projects over the years.

This website: http://www.creative-preschool-teaching-themes.com/preschool-thanksgiving-theme.html has a great idea too. They wrote a number on a cupcake liner and the preschooler put the corresponding amount of popcorn in the liner. I wrote an 8 on one of the liners but realized this would be too easy for her. Simple addition isn't interesting either so I started subtraction with her. She quickly understood the concept and laughed about taking the popcorn out of the liner. Whatever works, right?

We started learning how to tell time. It's more complicated than I realized. I made three paper plate clocks to start learning. I also played a game that I printed last year from teacherspayteachers. It's called Time to Batter Up. I gave the kids a few batters cards with the time on it and set down the cards that showed the time. They understood the o'clock concept today. Now we can work on counting by fives and figure out the difference between the minute and hour hands.

There is a cute lego game on Pinterest. Unforunately, when I clicked on it to print it, I was led to an image. I was able to find another one that someone else made and she was generous enough to share! http://christiansenchronicles.blogspot.com/2012/05/lego-game.html Alex and Lane liked this game a lot. However, they are both very competitive and didn't want to lose. The acceptable conpromise? There were two winners - the child with the most legos and the child who finished the game first.

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