Monday, December 26, 2011

Lane Elizabeth is 2.5

Lane turned two and a half years old yesterday. I continue to marvel at how quickly time is going with our children. I can't believe that we are headed toward age 3 now.
She is a spunky, content, sweet, and charming child. Lane is all girl. She likes to play with my makeup and play with dolls and princesses. Even though she is all girl, she can enjoys playing with her brothers and doing anything they are participating in.
She sings and dances whenever she hears music. Her coordination impressed me Lane enjoys creating artwork and she is very proud of her creations. She is also willing to help when asked which is a wonderful thing.
On Christmas Eve we took the kids out for dinner. Afterward they played in the Celebration "snow". Lane was wild - she had a great time making snow angels and sliding in the snow. An NBA player was there and Lane had him wrapped around her little finger
When we left, Lane was filthy but happy. Her once white tights were black, her hair was matted with soap and small rocks, and her shoes were sticky from the suds. Her happiness was well worth her mess

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