Saturday, December 17, 2011

Palmetto Bugs

A few years ago, Gabriel was given a black plastic palmetto bug from an airport employee. I'm unsure why it was given to him but it became a running prank between Andrew and me. We hide it from each other in an effort to frighten the other one.
In case you uncertain what a palmetto bug is exactly. from Wiki: The Florida woods cockroach (Eurycotis floridana), or palmetto bug is a large species of cockroach, which usually grows to a length of 1½ inch to 2 inches. It is black in color, and has a wide, glossy body, and appears at first glance to be wingless, however it does have very short wings just beneath its head, which are useless for flying. The cockroach, when disturbed, often emits a strong, disagreeable odor, which leads to it being referred to as the "stinking coackroach".[1] The Florida woods roach looks remarkably similar to the female Oriental cockroach, and the two could be mistaken for each other by the casual observer.

The roach is slower moving than other species. It prefers damp locations, lots of moisture, and does well in warm, damp climates. It is found in its native habitats, such as Florida, and the West Indies. The roach can wander indoors at times, especially into damp locations, such as bathrooms, however, it is found mostly outdoors and is not considered a major pest in the home. It is cold intolerant and requires a warm, sub-tropical or tropical climate. It can often be seen in sheltered outdoor locations, such as under leaf litter, in tree holes, and under lumber and boards, and other crevices. It is often seen in bushes and wooded areas. Often it can be seen on Palmetto trees, which gave it one of its early popular names, the Palmetto bug.[1]

Yes, they are nasty and Florida has no control over them. They make us jump if we see them in person and this plastic version has the same reaction. The best location has been in our clothing. It always catches me off guard when I see it.
I was going to post a photo but couldn't find a decent gif. The photos of the real thing are so disgusting, I can't copy and paste one without cringing.

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