Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My horrible blogging grammar

I'm a slow, detailed reader. I notice the smallest of mistakes when I'm reading. This was such a problem in college that I circled the mistakes and sent the information to the publisher. If they charge students an enormous amount of money for a text book, the least they can do is write it correctly. (or so I thought - these errors were distracting to me!)
Now as I reread my posts, I noticed a lot of grammar and spelling errors. I consider going back to fix them. However, Andrew reminded me that we have three young children and I'm lucky to get anything posted for them. In an effort to continue to post an ongoing journal of our lives, I am going to leave these mistakes.
These mistakes still bother me and I know they are incorrect but they are me in that moment. Sometimes I'm blogging while I have children talking to me. Sometimes I'm blogging on my phone, while I'm waiting for the boys at school. These moments don't allow for grammar corrections.
Hopefully these errors won't distract you from reading about our adventures. Maybe one day I will be able to take more time to correct what I write. My quite sure my college English professor would cringe if he read this. I'm crining a little bit too.

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