Monday, October 17, 2011

Huge Leaps in Autism

This past week we've noticed that Gabriel is noticing social and emotional cues. This is a HUGE positive development for any child with autism. If one of his siblings are upset or hurt, he tries to help the other child. It's awkward and reminds me of how a toddler would interact with another hurt toddler but he's doing it and we're thrilled. It's amazing to see a huge leap rather than the smaller baby steps we've been dealing with the past year. )We are just as grateful for those baby steps!)
The other noticeable change in Gabriel is his vocabulary. He is using longer sentences with larger words. He still does not speak like a typical 6 year old but his improvement is huge. Gabriel is also initiating conversations appropriately. We have been working on this skill for a long time and it's exciting to see it finally clicking for him.
We know he can lose these skills or they might continue to improve. No matter what happens, we are enjoying the improvements we are seeing in our son. We are very proud of him.

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